Radiation protection regards workers and the population exposed to ionizing radiation in any environmental context. Fismeco’s Qualified Experts (Professionals at different levels of qualification for radioprotection) are actively committed to ensuring all the support in terms of consulting, for compliance with the regulations of the Decree. 230/95 and its additions. In particular:


  • Notification to the Authorities of radioactive sources possession and use (including X-Ray devices);
  • Execution of procedures for obtaining Clearance Certificate (Cat. A / B)
  • Radiation Protection as Qualified Expert in all kind of occupational contexts;
  • Individual and environmental dosimetry for all persons potentially exposed to ionizing radiation;
  • Design of physical structures and environments where radioactive sources are used
  • Environmental radioactivity assessment programs (including the Radon);
  • Radioactive waste Disposal;
  • Development of specific Emergency plans in conjunction with the use of radioactivity sources;
  • Accomplishments foreseen by law for radioactive materials transportation: authorized carrier.

Via Giuseppe Donati, 160
00159 Roma

Telephone: +39 06 4394382 / +39 06 98266758
FAX: +39 06 98266748
E-mail: segreteria@fismeco.it

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